
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

This month, the karma will take charge of everything, and it will be time to pay debts, but not all of them have been incurred by us. One must know how to honor the deficits, as is amply to repay is the surest way to grow. The generosity and selflessness is the key to everything being full of harmony. This month we move towards the North Node, and that just means one thing: you have to pay; it is the month of Karma. Remember that stars point, but each of us defines. And the Wheel of Karma is clear: take and it will refuse; give and the universe will be yours. It is likely that there will be a claim payment balance (neither monetary) that you did not develop, but it is better that you honor it, because in the future this good deed will have an impact in your favor. And the first sign that you've done it right comes on the 17th, when Jupiter moves toward Saturn, marking the arrival of a new balance in all your areas and spheres. You have to let the left hand do without the right one knowing, as the payment of good works is always generous. Towards the end of the month, Mars joins the North Node, and this should keep you alert: it will likely cause problems in the family. It will touch you calm tempers and see that everyone, from the place, do ensure that the boat does not sink. The problem will come from a father figure, and is vital to insist on receiving what your majesty deserves.

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